/* Josh santomieri santomieri systems joshs@santsys.com */ /* file format: UserName, Password, LastName, FirstName */ /* this program creates a file for import into a windows 2000 active directory server */ /* compile it and run it to try it out */ #ifndef _INC_STDIO #include#endif #ifndef _INC_STRING #include #endif #define READ_FILE "Import.csv" #define WRITE_FILE "ADImport.ldf" #define PROF_BAT "prof_bat.bat" #define USR_BAT "usr_bat.bat" #define PWD_BAT "pwd_bat.bat" #define ADIMPORT_INI "adimport.ini" #define VERSION "" #ifndef MAX_PATH #define MAX_PATH 260 #endif void Usage() { printf("\n\n"); printf("ADImport.exe { OPTIONS }\n\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("\t-f [DataFile] - Path to file to read.\n"); printf("\t-p [DN_Params] - Dn Params, OU=, CN=, modifications... etc...\n"); printf("\t-d [Prompt_for_Description]\n"); printf("\t-s [S_Path] - Logon Script Path.\n"); printf("\t-pp [Prof_Path] - Profile Path.\n"); printf("\t-hp [Home_Path] - Home Directory Path.\n"); printf("\t-hd [Home_Drive] - Home Drive Letter.\n"); printf("\t-v - Displays Version\n\n"); printf("Example:\n\tADImport.exe Import.csv CN=Users -pp \\\\mysrv\\prof$\\ -hp \\\\mysrv\\Users$\\ -hd H:\n\n"); printf("File Format (CSV):\n"); printf("\tUserName, Password, LastName, FirstName\n\n"); } void Version() { printf("\nActive Directory Import\n"); printf("Version: %s\n\n", VERSION); printf("Josh Santomieri\n"); printf("Santomieri Systems\n\n"); } // function for removing whitespace at the beginning of the values int remspace(char *cstr) { int iLen = 0, i; int iTmp = 0; iLen = (int)strlen(cstr) + 1; if(iLen <= 1) return 0; if(cstr[0] == ' ') { for(i = 0; i< iLen; i++) { cstr[i] = cstr[i+1]; } cstr[iLen - 1] = '\0'; } return iLen - 1; } int main(int ivar, char **vars) { char cBuff[255]; char cDN[255], cParam[255], cScript[255], cProf[255], cHPath[255], cHDrive[4]; char cDesc[255]; char cFName[25], cLName[25]; char cPwd[21]; char cUser[21]; char *token = NULL; int i = 0, iUseParam = 0, iUseFile = 0, iUseScript = 0, iUseProf = 0, iUseHPath = 0, iUseHDrive = 0; int iUseDesc = 0; FILE *fin, *fout, *fprof, *fusr, *fpwd, *adi; char cFileName[5][MAX_PATH]; char cFileBuff[MAX_PATH]; /* Null All The Buffers */ memset(cFileName[0], '\0', sizeof(cFileName[0])); memset(cFileName[1], '\0', sizeof(cFileName[1])); memset(cFileName[2], '\0', sizeof(cFileName[2])); memset(cFileName[3], '\0', sizeof(cFileName[3])); memset(cFileName[4], '\0', sizeof(cFileName[4])); memset(cScript, '\0', sizeof(cScript)); memset(cProf, '\0', sizeof(cProf)); memset(cHPath, '\0', sizeof(cHPath)); memset(cHDrive, '\0', sizeof(cHDrive)); memset(cDesc, '\0', sizeof(cDesc)); i = 0; memset(cParam, '\0', sizeof(cParam)); while(i < ivar) { if(strcmp(vars[i], "/?") == 0) { Usage(); return 0; } if(strcmp(vars[i], "-v") == 0) { Version(); return 0; } if(strcmp(vars[i], "-f") == 0) { strcpy(cFileName[0], vars[i+1]); strcpy(cFileBuff, vars[i+1]); cFileBuff[strlen(cFileBuff) - 4] = '\0'; sprintf(cFileName[1], "%s.ldf", cFileBuff); sprintf(cFileName[2], "prof_%s.bat", cFileBuff); sprintf(cFileName[3], "usr_%s.bat", cFileBuff); sprintf(cFileName[4], "pwd_%s.bat", cFileBuff); printf("File: %s\n", vars[i+1]); iUseFile = 1; } if(strcmp(vars[i], "-p") == 0) { printf("Params: %s\n", vars[i+1]); strcpy(cParam, vars[i+1]); iUseParam = 1; } if(strcmp(vars[i], "-d") == 0) { printf("Enter Description: "); fgets(cDesc, 255, stdin); if(strlen(cDesc) > 0) cDesc[strlen(cDesc) - 1] = '\0'; printf("Description: %s\n", cDesc); iUseDesc = 1; } if(strcmp(vars[i], "-s") == 0) { printf("Script: %s\n", vars[i+1]); strcpy(cScript, vars[i+1]); iUseScript = 1; } if(strcmp(vars[i], "-pp") == 0) { printf("Profile Path: %s\n", vars[i+1]); strcpy(cProf, vars[i+1]); iUseProf = 1; } if(strcmp(vars[i], "-hp") == 0) { printf("Home Path: %s\n", vars[i+1]); strcpy(cHPath, vars[i+1]); iUseHPath = 1; } if(strcmp(vars[i], "-hd") == 0) { printf("Home Drive: %s\n", vars[i+1]); strcpy(cHDrive, vars[i+1]); iUseHDrive = 1; } i++; } if(!iUseFile) { strcpy(cFileName[0], READ_FILE); strcpy(cFileName[1], WRITE_FILE); strcpy(cFileName[2], PROF_BAT); strcpy(cFileName[3], USR_BAT); strcpy(cFileName[4], PWD_BAT); printf("File: %s\n", READ_FILE); } puts("\n"); if((adi = fopen(ADIMPORT_INI, "rb")) == NULL) { if((adi = fopen(ADIMPORT_INI, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("\nError Creating INI File!!!\n"); return 0; } else { fprintf(adi, "# INI file for ADImport.exe\r\n"); fprintf(adi, "# set up 'dn:' entry for ldif file\r\n"); fprintf(adi, "# Example: DC=lab-38,DC=dhs,DC=dist,DC=dixonusd,DC=org\r\n"); } printf("The file '%s' needs your input (Please Set up the DN entry.).\n\n", ADIMPORT_INI); fclose(adi); return 0; } else { memset(cDN, '\0', sizeof(cDN)); while((!feof(adi)) && (fgets(cBuff, 255, adi) != NULL)) { if(cBuff[0] != '#' || cBuff[0] != '\r' || cBuff[0] != '\n' || cBuff[0] != ' ') { strcpy(cDN, cBuff); } } fclose(adi); } if((fin = fopen(cFileName[0], "rb")) == NULL) { printf("\nError Opening File for Reading!\n\n"); Usage(); return 0; } if((fout = fopen(cFileName[1], "wb")) == NULL) { printf("\nError opening file for writing!\n"); Usage(); return 0; } if((fprof = fopen(cFileName[2], "wb")) == NULL) { printf("\nError opening file for writing!\n%s\n\n", PROF_BAT); Usage(); return 0; } if((fusr = fopen(cFileName[3], "wb")) == NULL) { printf("\nError opening file for writing!\n%s\n\n", USR_BAT); Usage(); return 0; } if((fpwd = fopen(cFileName[4], "wb")) == NULL) { printf("\nError opening file for writing!\n%s\n\n", PWD_BAT); Usage(); return 0; } while((!feof(fin)) && (fgets(cBuff, 255, fin) != NULL)) { memset(cFName, '\0', sizeof(cFName)); memset(cLName, '\0', sizeof(cLName)); memset(cPwd, '\0', sizeof(cPwd)); memset(cUser, '\0', sizeof(cUser)); token = strtok(cBuff, ",\n\r"); if(token == NULL) { printf("\nError getting User!\n"); Usage(); return 0; } sprintf(cUser,"%s", token); token = strtok(NULL, ",\n\r"); if(token == NULL) { printf("\nError getting pwd!\n"); Usage(); return 0; } sprintf(cPwd, "%s", token); remspace(cPwd); token = strtok(NULL, ",\n\r"); if(token == NULL) { printf("\nError getting fName!\n"); Usage(); return 0; } sprintf(cLName, "%s", token); remspace(cLName); token = strtok(NULL, ",\n\r"); if(token == NULL) { printf("\nError getting lName!\n"); Usage(); return 0; } sprintf(cFName, "%s", token); remspace(cFName); puts(cUser); puts(cPwd); puts(cLName); puts(cFName); puts("\n"); /* ldf Info File */ //fprintf(fout, "dn: CN=%s,CN=Users,DC=lab-38,DC=dhs,DC=dist,DC=dixonusd,DC=org\r\n", cUser); if(iUseParam) { fprintf(fout, "dn: CN=%s,%s,%s\r\n", cUser, cParam, cDN); } else { fprintf(fout, "dn: CN=%s,%s\r\n", cUser, cDN); } fprintf(fout, "changetype: add\r\n"); fprintf(fout, "cn: %s\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fout, "objectClass: user\r\n"); if(iUseDesc) { fprintf(fout, "description: %s\r\n", cDesc); } fprintf(fout, "sn: %s\r\n", cLName); fprintf(fout, "givenName: %s\r\n", cFName); fprintf(fout, "displayName: %s\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fout, "userPassword: %s\r\n", cPwd); fprintf(fout, "userPrincipalName: %s\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fout, "SAMAccountName: %s\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fout, "userAccountControl: %d\r\n", (1 + 512 + 65536)); if(iUseProf) fprintf(fout, "profilePath: %s%s\r\n", cProf, cUser); if(iUseScript) fprintf(fout, "scriptPath: %s\r\n", cScript); if(iUseHPath) fprintf(fout, "homeDirectory: %s%s\r\n", cHPath, cUser); if(iUseHDrive) fprintf(fout, "homeDrive: %s\r\n", cHDrive); fprintf(fout, "\r\n"); /* Password bat file */ fprintf(fpwd, "net user %s %s\r\n", cUser, cPwd); /* profile bat file */ fprintf(fprof, "md %s\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fprof, "md \"%s\\Application Data\"\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fprof, "md %s\\Desktop\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fprof, "md %s\\Favorites\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fprof, "md %s\\Personal\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fprof, "md %s\\SendTo\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fprof, "md \"%s\\Start Menu\"\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fprof, "cacls %s /T /C /G Administrator:F %s:C < yes.txt\r\n", cUser, cUser); /* user bat file */ fprintf(fusr, "md %s\r\n", cUser); fprintf(fusr, "cacls %s /T /C /G Administrator:F %s:C < yes.txt\r\n", cUser, cUser); } fclose(fin); fclose(fout); fclose(fprof); fclose(fusr); fclose(fpwd); return 0; }