/* The King's Dream Equations and Constants from Chaos in Wonderland, by Clifford Pickover, 1994 programmed by James Rankin, monty@nrv.net */ #include#include #include #include #include #include #include int huge detectvga256(void); void runfractal(void); void getvars(void); double a = -0.966918; double b = 2.879879; double c = 0.765145; double d = 0.744728; void main() { int graphdriver = installuserdriver("SVGA256", detectvga256); graphdriver = DETECT; int graphmode; getvars(); initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, ""); runfractal(); sound(440); delay(50); nosound(); getch(); closegraph(); } void getvars(void) { clrscr(); cout << "The King's Dream - formulas by Clifford Pickover\n"; cout << "Coded in C++ by James Rankin\n"; cout << "Four constants are needed to generate an image.\n"; cout << "You may either use the default values, to generate the King's\n"; cout << "dream, or you may specify your own.\n"; cout << "Do you want to use the default values? Y/N\n"; int thekey = 0; do { if (kbhit() != 0) thekey = getch(); } while ((thekey != 89) & (thekey != 121) & (thekey != 78) & (thekey != 110)); if ((thekey == 78) | (thekey == 110)) { cout << "\n"; cout << "Input A ( A > -3 )\n"; cin >> a; cout << "Input B ( B < 3 )\n"; cin >> b; cout << "Input C ( C > 0.5 )\n"; cin >> c; cout << "Input D ( D < 1.5 )\n"; cin >> d; } } void runfractal(void) { double xnew, ynew, xold = 0.1, yold = 0.1; for (double loopy = 0; loopy != 10000000; loopy++) { xnew = sin(yold * b) + c * sin(xold * b); ynew = sin(xold * a) + d * sin(yold * a); xold = xnew; yold = ynew; putpixel((int)(xold*180+512),(int)(yold*250+384),77); if (kbhit() != 0) break; } } int huge detectvga256(void) { return 4; }//of method