Linear Regression.cpp
/* Josh Santomieri Santomieri Systems Line of best fit - Linear Regression Calculates the line of best fit given a group of (x,y) points. Function Prototype: void CreateLineOfBestFit(int *x, int *y, int points, TCHAR *eq, rsize_t maxLen); Usage: int x[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int y[] = {11100, 10910, 11450, 11520, 11420}; TCHAR eq[100]; CreateLineOfBestFit(x, y, sizeof(x)/sizeof(int), (TCHAR*)&eq, sizeof(eq)/sizeof(TCHAR)); */ void CreateLineOfBestFit(int *x, int *y, int points, TCHAR *eq, rsize_t maxLen) { int ix1; double xAvg = 0, yAvg = 0; double b1 = 0, b2 = 0; if(points < 2) { wcscpy_s(eq, maxLen, L"2 or more points needed."); return; } for(ix1 = 0; ix1 < points; ix1++) { xAvg += *(x+ix1); yAvg += *(y+ix1); } xAvg /= points; yAvg /= points; for(ix1 = 0; ix1 < points; ix1++) { b1 += (*(x+ix1) - xAvg) * (*(y+ix1) - yAvg); b2 += pow((*(x+ix1) - xAvg), 2); } if(b2 > 0) { b1 = b1/b2; b2 = yAvg - (b1 * xAvg); } else { b1 = 0; b2 = 0; } swprintf_s(eq, maxLen, L"y = %.3f * x + %.3f", b1, b2); return; }