// Program Description and Design Overview:
//  a program that gets the average of 'count' number of values entered
//	Input (read) a student id number (an integer value.) 
//	Loop while the id number is not zero 
//		Read a student name as a String. 
//		Note, the Keyboard class method readString reads all characters -- INCLUDING blanks -- up until
//		the end of the line. 
//		Read a count (an integer number) 
//		Loop 'count' times:
//		each time through the loop read in an integer value and add that value to a sum variable 
//		Print out the id number and name string on one line 
//		Print out the count and average (as a double with two decimal places precision) on the next line 
//	There should be no prompt messages printed and when output is printed your program should only 
//	print the variable values separated by whitespace, i.e., no labels such as "count = " or "average = ". 
// Input Requirements:
//      1. student ID number			(integer)
//		2. name							(string)
//		3. count 						(integer)
//		4. 'count' amount of numbers	(integer)
// Output Requirements:
//      1. student ID number and name on the same line
//		2. 'count' and average of numbers inputed after count
// Program Preconditions:
//      1. input comes from a file

   import cs1.Keyboard;
   import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class NestedLoops
   //  a program that gets the average of 'count' number of values entered
   public static void main (String[] args)
    int IdNum,		// student ID number
    	count,		// number for how many numbers to get average of
    	sum = 0;	//total for amount of numbers enterd
    // Format number to two decimal places
    DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat ("0.##");
    // read student ID number
    IdNum = Keyboard.readInt();
    // loop while sentinel value doesn't equal 0
    while (IdNum != 0)
    	// reads name
    	String name = Keyboard.readString();
    	// reads count
    	count = Keyboard.readInt();
    	// loop 'count' times and increment x by 1
    	for (int x = 0; count > x; x++)
    		// read 'numbers'
    		int numbers = Keyboard.readInt();
    		// add value of numbers to sum and store in sum
    		sum += numbers;
    	// find average of all the numbers
    	double average = (double)sum / (double)count;
    	// print ID number and name
    	System.out.println (IdNum + " " + name);
    	// print 'count' and average
    	System.out.println (count + " " + fmt.format(average));
    	// read ID number (give chance to enter 0 to exit the loop and stop the program)
    	IdNum = Keyboard.readInt();
   } //end main

} // end class NestedLoops