/* +++Date last modified: 05-Jul-1997 */

** rounding macros by Dave Knapp, Thad Smith, Jon Strayer, & Bob Stout

#ifndef ROUND__H
#define ROUND__H


#if defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus

** Safe C++ inline versions

/* round to integer */

inline int iround(double x)
      return (int)floor(x + 0.5);

/* round number n to d decimal points */

inline double fround(double n, unsigned d)
      return floor(n * pow(10., d) + .5) / pow(10., d);


** NOTE: These C macro versions are unsafe since arguments are referenced
**       more than once.
**       Avoid using these with expression arguments to be safe.

** round to integer

#define iround(x) floor((x) + 0.5)

** round number n to d decimal points

#define fround(n,d) (floor((n)*pow(10.,(d))+.5)/pow(10.,(d)))


#endif /* ROUND__H */