//******************************************************************** // // Telephone.java // Program title: This is the title // //******************************************************************** // // Program Description and Design Overview: // Prompt user to enter a single letter from A through Z (upper case only) // Input a single letter (type char) // Print out the corresponding digit (an int) of the buttons on a phone pad with the message: // "The digit N corresponds to the letter L on the telephone" // (where L is the letter typed by the program user and N is the corresponding digit computed by the program) // The digit-letter correspondence rules are: // 2 = ABC, 3 = DEF, 4 = GHI, 5 = JKL, 6 = MNO, 7 = PRS, 8 = TUV, 9 = WXY // Use a multi-way if -else statement for this solution. Do not use a switch statement. // Hint: You will need to use the logical OR operator (see page 123, 124 of your textbook) // Since only certain upper case letters correspond to a phone pad digit, any other letter or character will not have a corresponding digit. Thus, if any other character is entered, the program should print, // // "There is no digit on the telephone that corresponds to L" // (where L is the letter entered) // Input Requirements: char letter- the capitalized letter // answer- answer to question "Do you want to enter another character?" // // Output Requirements: // Prompts for the conditions under which the user must follow in order to input the letter. // The number corresponding to the letter typed in. // // Program Preconditions:The user must input capitalized letters to get the // result they are looking for. // // //******************************************************************** import cs1.Keyboard; public class Telephone { char letter; //the capitalized letter to be changed into a number //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Prints the number corresponding to the "capital" letters on a telephone pad. //----------------------------------------------------------------- public static void main (String[] args) { String answer = "yes"; //initialized condition to start the program while (answer.equals("yes")) { System.out.print ("Please type a letter A through P or R through Y: "); char letter = Keyboard.readChar(); //inputs user response to variable letter // inner loop of the nested loop while (letter != 'A' && letter != 'B' && letter != 'C' && letter != 'D' && letter != 'E' && letter != 'F' && letter != 'G' && letter != 'H' && letter != 'I' && letter != 'J' && letter != 'K' && letter != 'L' && letter != 'M' && letter != 'N' && letter != 'O' && letter != 'P' && letter != 'R' && letter != 'S' && letter != 'T' && letter != 'U' && letter != 'V' && letter != 'W' && letter != 'X' && letter != 'Y')// executes loop if the letter is invalid { System.out.println ("Sorry, " + letter + " is not valid."); System.out.print ("Please type a letter A through P or R through Y: "); letter = Keyboard.readChar(); //inputs user response into variable letter } if ( letter == 'A' || letter == 'B' || letter == 'C' ) {System.out.println ("The digit 2 corresponds to the letter " + letter + " on the telephone pad");} else if ( letter == 'D' || letter == 'E' || letter == 'F' ) {System.out.println ("The digit 3 corresponds to the letter " + letter + " on the telephone pad");} else if ( letter == 'G' || letter == 'H' || letter == 'I' ) {System.out.println ("The digit 4 corresponds to the letter " + letter + " on the telephone pad");} else if ( letter == 'J' || letter == 'K' || letter == 'L' ) {System.out.println ("The digit 5 corresponds to the letter " + letter + " on the telephone pad");} else if ( letter == 'M' || letter == 'N' || letter == 'O' ) {System.out.println ("The digit 6 corresponds to the letter " + letter + " on the telephone pad");} else if ( letter == 'P' || letter == 'R' || letter == 'S' ) {System.out.println ("The digit 7 corresponds to the letter " + letter + " on the telephone pad");} else if ( letter == 'T' || letter == 'U' || letter == 'V' ) {System.out.println ("The digit 8 corresponds to the letter " + letter + " on the telephone pad");} else if ( letter == 'W' || letter == 'X' || letter == 'Y' ) {System.out.println ("The digit 9 corresponds to the letter " + letter + " on the telephone pad");} else System.out.println ("Sorry, " + letter + " is not valid."); System.out.println ("Do you want to enter another character? "); //prompts user if they want to enter another character answer = Keyboard.readString();//inputs user response to string variable answer } } //end main } // end class Telephone