// Program title: UsingObjects
// Program Description and Design Overview:
// Input Requirements:
// Output Requirements:
// Program Preconditions:

import java.util.Random;
import cs1.Keyboard;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class UsingObjects
   //  Generate random phone number and prize amount
   public static void main (String[] args)
	int AreaCode, First3Dig, Second4Dig;
	double Prize;
	Random NumMaker=new Random();
	System.out.print ("Enter the 3 digit area code: ");
    AreaCode = Keyboard.readInt();
	First3Dig = Math.abs (NumMaker.nextInt()) % 999 + 100;
	Second4Dig = Math.abs (NumMaker.nextInt()) % 9999 + 1000;
	System.out.println (AreaCode + "-" + First3Dig + "-" + Second4Dig);
	Prize = Math.sqrt ((double)((10000.0 * First3Dig) + Second4Dig));
	DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat ("0.##");
	System.out.println ("Your prize is $" + fmt.format(Prize));

   } //end main

} // end class UsingObjects